Need back to school clothes and want to help a great cause? Come to Student Council's yard sale on Saturday 8/12 from 7am - 4 pm in the Junior High gym lobby!! All proceeds go to assist with Stu-co events for the year!
over 1 year ago, Karen Faucett
yard sale
yard sale 2
yard sale 3
yard sale 4
yard sale 5
Attention Parents of Kindergarten Students: Please click on the photo to learn more information about soft placement and first day of school plans. More information regarding soft placement will be handed out at Open House! We will see you at Open House on August 17, 2023 at 4:30 PM- 7:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Crane R-III Schools
Kindergarten Soft
Incoming Preschool Families! We can't wait to see you August 17th at Open House. Please check mailboxes for an important letter about Preschool Teacher Placements and other important information! (click on image to see all information)
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
Kicking off another great school year! Fun, food and fellowship with staff and board members at the Crane Swimming Pool. We can't wait to serve the students of Crane this school year! Teachers start back this week with professional development and then students start back August 22, 2023! See you all soon!
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
7th through 12th grade parents, guardians, and students, see the attached flyer for some important information! As always, contact the office if you have any questions, comments, or concerns! Thank you, Mrs. Mease
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
Our Crane High School Student Council is having a yard sale on Saturday, August 12th at the front, Elementary/Jr High gym entrances' sidewalk, rain or shine! They need your donations to help with their sale. Donations may be dropped off at the high school Tues - Fri between 7:30 and 3:30. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
Physicals must be up to date in order to participate in any practices or games. Please call the high school office or come by to get the new MSHSAA Physical Form. If you need to know when your student's physical expires, call or come by the high school office as well.
over 1 year ago, Crane Athletics
Fall sports are right around the corner. We are so excited to get started. The first day for high school fall sports will be Monday, August 7th (Cross Country, Baseball, and Volleyball). The first day for JH Basketball practices will be Monday August 14th.
over 1 year ago, Crane Athletics
In case you missed it, Crane Pirate Basketball order forms for Jr High and/or High School shirts are due by this Friday, August 4th at 4:00 pm! You can also get a Pirate tumbler. We are collecting orders now to lock in a special price that will help the teams' fundraising efforts. Orders can be turned in at the high school office between 8:00 am and 3:30 pm this week or you can place an order on the Crane Pirate Basketball facebook page. The shirts are $15 each and the tumbler is $20. Team shirts for players are $5.00 and can be turned in to Coach Howerton. Call the high school office at 417-723-5300, ext. 901 if you have any questions!
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
high school basketball
jr high basketball
Pirate Updates...
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
Next Thursday, August 3rd from 4:00 to 6:00 pm, Ernie Williamson (formerly Springfield Music) will be at the high school for intrument rental night. If you have a student going into 6th grade band or beginning band, please come by to look at their options!
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
Big News! Crane First Baptist Church is donating school supplies for all students in preschool through 6th grade! Parents will need to supply a very limited amount of items. See image for details. We are community blessed! Go Pirates!
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
During summer school, Mrs. Back's 1st grade class set a goal to read 1,000 minutes during summer school. They read independently to build reading stamina, listened to Mrs. Back read aloud, and spent time listening to friends from Stone County Library read too! They hit their goal and got to celebrate Friday with gummy snacks and a prize from the treasure box! Way to Go, First Grade! We encourage you to keep reading over the summer!
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
High School students who kept their chromebooks for online summer school classes need to turn in their chromebooks to the high school office by 4:00 tomorrow, Friday, June 22nd. We will be in the office until 4:00 today as well. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
Dear Crane R-III, As most of you know, I am retiring and moving to KS. I want to take this time to thank you. Thank you for letting me be part of your children's life. Thank you for accepting me and welcoming me into your community. Thank you for making the last 8 years amazing. I also want you to take time to realize what a topnotch school you have. We love your kids here at Crane R-III and that won't change with me leaving! You have a wonderful community that is so supportive of our school. Please don't change that! Your teachers and staff need your support. Thank you and I will always remember Crane as a amazing time in my life! Dr. Chris Johnson
over 1 year ago, Dr. Chris Johnson
The Summer School Pirate Gram for the Week of June 20, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
We have said it before, and we will continue to say it because we know Crane R-III is blessed with a supportive community! In fact, thanks to an anonymous donor who recently moved to the community, every student's outstanding lunch balance from this past school year has been paid off! This generous donation is very much appreciated!
over 1 year ago, Crane R-III Schools
Please join us in welcoming our newest preschool teacher to Crane Elementary! As the saying goes...once a Pirate, always a Pirate! Hi, my name is Sidnie Blevins. I grew up being a Crane Pirate and came back to work as a para. I’m now excited to start my teaching journey here next year! I enjoy spending time with my boyfriend Hayden, our pup Georgia and family! I also enjoy traveling, watching sporting events, and reading. I can’t wait to get started and meet my kiddos!
over 1 year ago, Crane Elementary
Class of 2023 seniors, if you want to pick up your diploma this summer, the last day the office will be opened (Tuesday through Friday) is Friday, June 23rd by 3:30.
over 1 year ago, Crane High School
Friday, June 16th is the last day to order your 2022-2023 yearbook. Use the following link to get yours ordered!
over 1 year ago, Crane High School