Preschool and Kindergarten screening/enrollment reminder!! (Only for new enrollments, not for students who are currently enrolled)
Crane Elementary School is pleased to announce that we will be conducting screenings and enrollments for new preschool and kindergarten students for the 2025-2026 academic year. To be eligible for enrollment in the 4-year-old preschool program, children must be 4 years old by August 1, 2025. For kindergarten enrollment, children must be 5 years old by the same date. Please ensure that you bring the following documents to your appointment: Proof of residence Birth certificate Immunization records *All documentation must be submitted to secure your child's enrollment* Please note that if your child is currently enrolled in our preschool program at Crane, attendance at this screening is not required. To schedule an appointment, please contact the elementary office. We look forward to welcoming new families to our school community! (This does not pertain to the 3-year-old program. We will be sharing a different sign-up for it at a later date!)

Please have your child wear their Crane Elementary T-Shirt for our 3rd Quarter Assembly on Friday, March 14th at 8:15 a.m. in the Little Gym. We will be recognizing January and February Students of the Month. Thank you!

Crane R-III is proud to spotlight our incredible educators who go above and beyond, making public education great! Join us in celebrating our Teacher Proud Tuesday honorees, Mrs. Jane Mataczynski and Mr. Daniel Cline! We would also like to thank Glossip Heating and Air for sponsoring our Teacher Proud Tuesdays by providing goodie bags for our monthly honorees! #teacherproudTuesday #bradhudson #whaley4mo138th #GOCSD #smalltownsrock #communityblessed

We are now accepting nominations for the March Teacher of the Month! Crane is blessed with some of the best and we look forward to recognizing our amazing staff! Nominate a deserving teacher at the following link: https://forms.gle/tvxnQjAiSiPPSFpm7
We will be accepting nominations until March 13, 2025.

Last week some of our 2nd grade students ROCKED their math quizzes!! Most of them scored 8/8 on their measurement quiz, while some scored 12/12 on their three-digit addition and subtraction word problem quiz.
The students who added their work to our Refrigerator Work space include: Layla, Ila, Cora, and Stetson from Ms. Swearingen's class - Anthony, Destiny, Addison, and Oliver from Mrs. Merritt's class - Jace, Addison, Greyson, along with Jayla and Maxton from Mrs. Maples' class. Keep up the great work! Our refrigerator is getting full!

The Lady Pirates Jr. High Volleyball team got it done in all three games this evening against the Blue Eye Lady Bulldogs! Way to go, Pirates!
C Team
B Team
A Team

The informational meeting concerning JH Softball is happening tonight! If your daughter is interested in playing JH Softball in the spring of 2027 please come this evening. 6:00 in the JH Gym. See you there.

Crane High School Science teacher and Student Council sponsor Mrs. Karen Faucett was surprised with a humble award presentation today. Mary Thurman with the Veterans of Foreign Wars 3976 and its Auxiliary in Sugar Creek, Missouri surprised Mrs. Faucett with the VFW Apple-Book Award as recognition of her work with our students and various other organizations to ensure that Crane R-III Schools is able to have our annual Veterans Day program. Last fall, Mrs. Faucett invited Mary to instruct our Student Council on the procedures for the POW/MIA table, and Mary also provided a script for the student leaders to share the story of the Wright family from Hurley all to be presented at the Veterans Day Assembly. Thank you to Mrs. Faucett and our High School Student Council members for the time you put into this assembly that honors so many every year.

All Soccer Registration Forms are to be completed and turned in to Aurora City Hall by Friday, March 7th. These are not to be turned in at school. Thank you!

The March newsletter linked here not only includes a schedule of events for the month but some helpful information for parents and guardians. Here's hoping it's a beautiful March full of warm, spring weather!

Congratulations to our Jr High and High School Students of the Month for February, Whitney Gold and Katie Cox! About Whitney, her teachers shared: Whitney is an all-around great student! She is positive and always has a smile on her face. She is kind to others. She is also a hard worker and is on-task during class. About Katie, her teachers shared: Katie is a vital part of the Junior class. She consistently helps with Prom fundraising, and I never have to worry about competency and friendliness with her in the concession stand. She has matured remarkably since her Freshman year and is now maintaining above average grades in Government. She's organized, turns all her assignments in on time, and perseveres when something is difficult for her to do. Katie is a breath of fresh air, and I love being around her.
Thank you both for representing Crane so well!

Pirate Parents!
Group Picture Day for our Junior High and High School organizations is this upcoming Wednesday, March 5th. Please help your students remember to pack their uniforms and/or club shirts for their scheduled Group Pictures. You gain free, digital access to all of our pictures with your purchase of a 2024-2025 yearbook, so be sure to place your order for a yearbook by June! https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/craneelementaryandhighschool
Yearbook will also take portraits of any new enrollment students (or students that were absent on fall Picture Day / Retake Day) this Wednesday in an effort to make sure we have a portrait for the 2025 yearbook. If your student did not have a portrait taken in the fall, please feel free to email Ms. Knight (Knighta@crane.k12.mo.us) for additional information. Elementary, JH, and HS students may dress as they like for these yearbook portraits; however, please remember we are student-staffed organization, so these will not be of the same quality as those taken by the professionals with Wagner, nor can we provide printing at this time. If students have not had a school portrait taken (by the yearbook or by Wagner) after this Wednesday, we cannot guarantee their picture will appear in the yearbook.
Seniors and parents of seniors, please see the attached photo about the Senior Meeting and free senior photos from 11:45 am - 12:30pm this Wednesday. Seniors must attend the short meeting to vote on Senior Superlatives / Senior Favorites, submit their Senior Quotes, and receive updated deadlines and details for the Graduation Slideshow. Seniors who do not attend the meeting may miss important information and opportunities to be featured in the yearbook one final time. Meeting will occur in the HS gym and seniors should bring their Chromebooks.

The school calendar for next year has been approved. You can always find the calendar on our Crane R-III App under "Documents"-> "District"->"2025-2026 Crane R-III Academic Calendar" or you can find a printable version of the calendar at the link provided below.

Remember that we have school tomorrow for a snow make-up day! Hope you had a good weekend!

Last minute Prom dues will be accepted by Dr. East until Thursday, 3/6. Seniors who didn't pay last year and Juniors who haven't yet paid owe $50. Don't forget to pay for a guest if you are bringing one ($20). Guest approval forms need to be given to your guest to be completed by their own school principal or boss at their job if they are not a student somewhere. Those forms need to be returned to Mrs. Mease ASAP. See Dr. East or the main office for this form. See you at the "Gala in Giza"!

Thank you to one of our students for bringing to my attention that Reeds Spring does not have school on Monday, so there will be no VoTech at TRCC! VoTech students need to be at school at 11:40 on Monday, March 3rd.
~Mrs. Mease

Final score from Purdy. Came up just a little short.
Congratulations on a great seaon, boys. We are all proud of you.

After the third quarter. It is going to be a tough one! Go Pirates! Down 5

Halftime. Pirates trail by 8

Slow start for The Pirates!