Our August students of the month for the Jr High and High School are 7th grader, Harper Willard, and Freshman, Griffin Pointer! We appreciate the kind, quiet, thoughtful way both Harper and Griffin expemplify. About Harper, the nominating teacher wrote, "Last week, we got a new student, and Harper went out of her way to help the new student find out where their next class was. She even offered for the student to join her group while they were doing group work. This shows the qualities of a great student of the month!" About Griffin, the nominating teacher wrote, "Griffin is one of the most selfless students I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. He is respectful and hardworking. He is attentive to his studies while being involved in other clubs. Griffin shows up early to work, and is one of the last to leave. Even if he did not "sign up" to work, he is there and more than willing to work. I also appreciate his curiosity to learn new things. Griffin is an all-star person who has a bright future ahead." Thank you Harper and Griffin!
August Students of the Month!
September 13, 2023